sorry i haven't been posting here for a while. im just too lazy to type. uhuhu.
so anyhoo, im here now. and just gonna post that i am still alive and still breathing. LOL !! XD
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be (possibly your roommate, neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger), but when you lock eyes with them, you know at the very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.
Sometime things will happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming these obstacles that you would have never realized your true potential, strength, will power, or heart.
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by mean of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness & sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without this small test, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe & comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people that you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you will become. Even the bad experiences are learned from. In fact, they are the most poignant ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love & how to open your heart & eyes to things.
Make everyday count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything you could possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love again, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right too.
Tell yourself that you are a great individual and believe in yourself. For if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely NO REGRETS. Most importantly, if you love someone tell him or her, for you NEVER know what tomorrow may have in store. And learn a lesson in life each day you live.
Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday. Was it worth it?
Sometime things will happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming these obstacles that you would have never realized your true potential, strength, will power, or heart.
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by mean of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness & sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without this small test, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe & comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people that you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you will become. Even the bad experiences are learned from. In fact, they are the most poignant ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love & how to open your heart & eyes to things.
Make everyday count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything you could possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love again, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right too.
Tell yourself that you are a great individual and believe in yourself. For if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely NO REGRETS. Most importantly, if you love someone tell him or her, for you NEVER know what tomorrow may have in store. And learn a lesson in life each day you live.
Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday. Was it worth it?
okay, so i finally ate the one thing im craving for, for a months, SUSHI !! no thanks to Yuba and Atul for bringing me to Excapade Sushi at Gadong. we had fun !! Atul ordered so many sushi, and yess, me and Yuba are the one who has to finished out all, what's left of it anyway. ;pp but we couldnt finished it all, and yess, Yuba threw up !! LOL !! so much for eating all them foods !! i should've take a pic of him, his face after he went to the toilet was so funny~ LOL so hard !! ;pp i miss you guys already !! you crazy peoples !! ahahaha !! and owh, watched Mantra at Mall Cineplax, missed like about 15 minutes of the movie, because of sushi-ing. hee~ ermm, the movie was ok, very typical and similar to other movies the same genre as this one.. but heck yeah !! atleast i screamed, i startled, i jumped, i punched Yuba in his shoulder, you name it !! ahahahaha ;pp
“For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. There is no time limit, start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worse of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again..” - Rafique Hafeedzy Muhammad
No matter how hard life may be.. Keep on believing urself.. From there you can achive what others can't..
Love those in your life without any regret.. Remember that anyone that cross youur life has a part in making you a better person..
Love those in your life without any regret.. Remember that anyone that cross youur life has a part in making you a better person..
the birth day of my bestest boy-friend, Awe Hyril aka Awe Kecik !!! happy belated birthday wii !! hehehe~ bought the b'day boy two yellow rose, one from me and one from Boo.. hehe~ hope you love them yellow roses wii !! ^^
spent the whole day with Awe at his place.. with Boo, Awe Gebu and Saiful.. we eat, watch movies, gossiping, onlining, you name it !! ahahaha !! ;pp we had a great time !! don't we guys ?? hehehe~ heart you all !!
owh yeah, weirdest thing happened to me during at Mall. there's this chinesse guy that passing us by. he was staring at me so yeah i gave him a smile. then i turned back. he keep on staring at me. to the point i wasn't feel uncomfortable. i asked Emms and Kerol to look at him, and yes, still he was staring at me. until we got onto the escalator. still he keep on looking at me. i was like, 'why does he keep on staring at me !?!' i don't even know him. hmmm. and during watching Predators, his face keep on haunting me. keep popping on my head. he really made me TTR (Tak Tentu Rasa) and yes, until now i wonder why he stared. i just call him Starry~ his identity remains unknown.
so yeah, this aftie, Boo sent me to Big Papa's, because i got lunch date with Emms, Kerol, Ann and Buzzy (along with, i think 4 of Ann and Buzzy's ITB mate). Boo had a luch with his cousins and one in particular happens to celebrate her birthday today !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DATIN AYU !! hee~ me and Boo decided to bought her a bouquet of red and pink (since she loves pink so much) roses for her present. hope she do love it. hee.
and after had a lunch. us three, me, Emms and Kerol went to Seri Qlap Complex just to buy popcorn. whaha !! then went to Mall afterthat, gone window shopping. but yeah, i did bought a new BLUE tee, yeah, BLUE !! so not me !! but hey, end up look good on me. wore it immediately after had purchased it. LOL !! because i was wearing the same tee that i wore last night and i didn't want people to find out. so yeah~ sue me all you want !! i don't care !! i was sleepover at Boo's place for god sake, didn't bring extra tee or whatever. ahahaha ;pp and owh yea, we watched Predators. the movie was great. not awesome, but great. which is good~ ahaha !! ;pp i give 8/10, but what's not great is that Boo wasn't there sitting next to me. got no one to pinch and punch. T.T
and after had a lunch. us three, me, Emms and Kerol went to Seri Qlap Complex just to buy popcorn. whaha !! then went to Mall afterthat, gone window shopping. but yeah, i did bought a new BLUE tee, yeah, BLUE !! so not me !! but hey, end up look good on me. wore it immediately after had purchased it. LOL !! because i was wearing the same tee that i wore last night and i didn't want people to find out. so yeah~ sue me all you want !! i don't care !! i was sleepover at Boo's place for god sake, didn't bring extra tee or whatever. ahahaha ;pp and owh yea, we watched Predators. the movie was great. not awesome, but great. which is good~ ahaha !! ;pp i give 8/10, but what's not great is that Boo wasn't there sitting next to me. got no one to pinch and punch. T.T
ok, yesterday was the final FIFA World Cup match, it was between Spain and Netherland (Holland). So, me and Yuba had a night out, went to Mall and met tons of familiar face, such met my lovely babes, Meeza, Amal, Piah & Zeila, god !! i miss them so much !! will meet then sooner. i hope~ AMIN~~~
so anyhoo, we (me and Yuba) decided to watch the match somewhere (which we have planned week ago) so we were also inviting my Boo and Yus (Boo's cousin) to join with us. and end up hanging out at Tauren Cafe (The Arch). long story short, Yuba had a little issues, typical him~ plus yea, we were there like 3 hours earlier before the match, so he decided to bring us cruising around Brunei, just some part of it. to think about it, god ! Brunei is such a small country. huhuhu. and yes, we missed to watch the match. but i couldnt care less. atleast i got to spent time with Boo. sleepover at Boo's. which is yes, far more great and fun than watching the match. hee. miss you now. uhuhu.
and yeah, as what most people bet on. Spain won World Cup !! so i couldn't be anymore happier. ahahaha !! ^^Y
this is Fifi's opinion about this issues *which i agree with* ;
Today's issue would revolve around conflicts..
Some people would argue that a relationship with less arguments or quarrels are healthy relationships.. This however, is simply a myth.. Then again, myth is a matter of unverified facts yes?
But through my perspective as a whole, conflicts and arguments in a relationship are somewhat inevitable.. I hear most people say what is most important in a relationship is HONESTY.. Don't get me wrong, I agree with this claim, yet I disagree with it at the same time..
Yes, honesty IS important in a relationship, however it should not be considered as THE MOST important role that exists in any relationships.. A matter of UNDERSTANDING is as crucial as honesty, because it somehow acts as a "glue" that holds partners in a relationship together..
When two opinions or views clash with one another, conflict rises and creates an argument.. This argument is either handled as a calm discussion or a very "tense discussion" or even the "I'm going to throw this thing at you" discussion.. Nonetheless, this conflict could only be resolved with a certain discussion..
Some people would suggest:
"why should we confront? Why can't we just ignore the problem and not fight?"
To answer this question, I would refer to another scenario in a relationship.. When both partners decides not to confront each other with the problems, it is seemingly similar as to ignoring the facts.. Yet, I dare to say that ignoring facts doesn't mean that they would go away.. At first, it may be easy to handle such things.. But over time, the long-term effect of this is that the unresolved problems that have been stored inside for so long would build up and would gradually explode when a much bigger conflict rises on a latter basis - As if you're a walking time-bomb.. Another factor of this is that the problems will eat you up inside..
In conclusion, when conflicts rise in a relationship, ignoring them and hoping that they would just go away will only make things worse.. By discussing upon the issue in the conflict, both partners will see the two-sides of a coin rather than only one.. Hence, both partners would see a bigger picture and even, as a whole..
this is Fifi's opinion about this issues *which i agree with* ;
Today's issue would revolve around conflicts..
Some people would argue that a relationship with less arguments or quarrels are healthy relationships.. This however, is simply a myth.. Then again, myth is a matter of unverified facts yes?
But through my perspective as a whole, conflicts and arguments in a relationship are somewhat inevitable.. I hear most people say what is most important in a relationship is HONESTY.. Don't get me wrong, I agree with this claim, yet I disagree with it at the same time..
Yes, honesty IS important in a relationship, however it should not be considered as THE MOST important role that exists in any relationships.. A matter of UNDERSTANDING is as crucial as honesty, because it somehow acts as a "glue" that holds partners in a relationship together..
When two opinions or views clash with one another, conflict rises and creates an argument.. This argument is either handled as a calm discussion or a very "tense discussion" or even the "I'm going to throw this thing at you" discussion.. Nonetheless, this conflict could only be resolved with a certain discussion..
Some people would suggest:
"why should we confront? Why can't we just ignore the problem and not fight?"
To answer this question, I would refer to another scenario in a relationship.. When both partners decides not to confront each other with the problems, it is seemingly similar as to ignoring the facts.. Yet, I dare to say that ignoring facts doesn't mean that they would go away.. At first, it may be easy to handle such things.. But over time, the long-term effect of this is that the unresolved problems that have been stored inside for so long would build up and would gradually explode when a much bigger conflict rises on a latter basis - As if you're a walking time-bomb.. Another factor of this is that the problems will eat you up inside..
In conclusion, when conflicts rise in a relationship, ignoring them and hoping that they would just go away will only make things worse.. By discussing upon the issue in the conflict, both partners will see the two-sides of a coin rather than only one.. Hence, both partners would see a bigger picture and even, as a whole..
i know that im not that active blogging.. but hey, im that 'busy'..
so anyhoo, today is the 1year 1month Anniversary for me and my boo.. i love you soo soo much boo.. hope to meet you later.. don't forget my 'BURGER TALUR' at Pasar Malam k.. hee~
i'll try to be as much active here..
so anyhoo, today is the 1year 1month Anniversary for me and my boo.. i love you soo soo much boo.. hope to meet you later.. don't forget my 'BURGER TALUR' at Pasar Malam k.. hee~
i'll try to be as much active here..
it's been awhile since im not updating this blog.. been busy nowdays.. plus too lazy to update..
i miss my love so much.. i want you.. i need you.. anak sii Haji Jamil !!
my last two days was, i can honestly call, AWESOME !!! spending time with my two best pals, yuba & awe.. then after that spending time with my love.. i couldn't be anymore happier !!
im enjoying my day last night with them cousins and others.. we went to JP and we had a blast.. then we went to KFC at Bandar, chillin' and eating and stuff~ oo yea~ not to mention that there's this cute little cat, and unfortunate things happened to it. it fell into the water or river you may say, but i never know what makes it fell, and someone/s kind and brave rescued the cat from drowning.. this unfortunate cat was literally really scared, obviously, judging by its 'meaw-ing' crying for help..
so much things happened lastnight/tonight - that i couldnt mention here - as i mention on my twitter page, "although probably the saddest night of my life but it also, by far, the happiest night that i would never ever forget. i love them so much!!" hope everything will turns out well~
so much things happened lastnight/tonight - that i couldnt mention here - as i mention on my twitter page, "although probably the saddest night of my life but it also, by far, the happiest night that i would never ever forget. i love them so much!!" hope everything will turns out well~
today, 10th of April, is the 10th monthsary of me with my love !! i love you so much love, with all my heart.. and i miss you.. you are the only exception~
the interview for ITB was torturing !! the interviewer asked questions that i didn't know and yes, i couldn't answer most of his questions !! i feel fucked !! he, literally, was brutally 'abusing' my mind !! and yeah, am not that confident that i'll get it.. so much for being excited and all.. pfff!! this is why i prefer female interviewer than male.. just think about it, which one you would prefer, the kind and welcome type interviewer OR the mean and intimidated one ?!?!
emma haji hussin & ann ismail
thank god i have a very supportive girlfriends !! the gave me a huge support that i'll get it and want me be positive, and i'll try to be as optimistic as i could.. we went to the Mall after that and had our so called late lunch or i'll say hi-lunch (lunch + hi-tea) if that~ ehehe.. i love you ann ismail and emma haji hussin !! i couldn't ask for a better friends than you guys !! and also syuhaidah hd~
emma haji hussin & ann ismail
thank god i have a very supportive girlfriends !! the gave me a huge support that i'll get it and want me be positive, and i'll try to be as optimistic as i could.. we went to the Mall after that and had our so called late lunch or i'll say hi-lunch (lunch + hi-tea) if that~ ehehe.. i love you ann ismail and emma haji hussin !! i couldn't ask for a better friends than you guys !! and also syuhaidah hd~
this are some moments that i really miss the most and want to re-live it again..
at Ikhwan's, probably around April last year.. we were planning to go to Seri Kenangan Beach but then the weather was really bad and decided to hangout at his house instead.. we had a blast !!
this was during the Fasting Month last year, gathering + sungkaing at Aminah Arif's restaurant in Serusop with them Be'darchieeanns !!
this was during raya last year, at Alaina's place -the one in green, far right- she, specially, cooked for us.. her delicious italian food such lasagna, salad, spaghetti, mac & cheese, and whatnot.. i miss all of her great food.. uhuhuhu.. craving for it..
at Ikhwan's, probably around April last year.. we were planning to go to Seri Kenangan Beach but then the weather was really bad and decided to hangout at his house instead.. we had a blast !!
this was during the Fasting Month last year, gathering + sungkaing at Aminah Arif's restaurant in Serusop with them Be'darchieeanns !!
this was during raya last year, at Alaina's place -the one in green, far right- she, specially, cooked for us.. her delicious italian food such lasagna, salad, spaghetti, mac & cheese, and whatnot.. i miss all of her great food.. uhuhuhu.. craving for it..
it's been a while since i inactive my facebook.. but i know someday somehow, eventually, i will activate it back.. probably later next week or sooner.. pfffff~ i dont know but onlining fb will just make me more stress out due to some reasons.. i'll get use to it.. i hope~
i don't know why, but this One Republic feat. Sara Bareilles - Come Home song and the lyrics keeps on popping outta my head. so i decide to download this song via my hp, since i don't have it on my hp which im super shocked to find that out !!
so yeah, currently listening to this song, repeatedly - one of those songs that really can haunts me -
so yeah, currently listening to this song, repeatedly - one of those songs that really can haunts me -
i can't sleep !!
forcing myself to sleep didn't make it any better.. now im all stress out and i feel so alone.. eventho you're lying next to me now.. sleeping~
i miss you love.. please wake up and accompany me through this late night.. i need you..
forcing myself to sleep didn't make it any better.. now im all stress out and i feel so alone.. eventho you're lying next to me now.. sleeping~
i miss you love.. please wake up and accompany me through this late night.. i need you..
thanks ann ismail for helping me out polishing this blog of mine.. im still green to this stuff.. uhuhuhuhu.. anyhoo, i love you !! don't forget that i'ma go to your house later at 6pm-ish with me love.. hehehe~
And I fall on my knees tell me how's the way to be
tell me how's the way to go
tell me all that I should know
And I fall on my knees
tell me how's the way to go
tell me how's the way to be to evoke some empathy
danger will follow me now everywhere I go
angels will call on me and take me to my home
well this tired mind just wants to be lead home
And i fall on my knees tell me how's the way to go
tell me how's the way to see
show me all that i could be
and I fall on my knees tell me how's the way to be yeah
tell me how's the way to go
tell me why I feel so low
danger will follow me now everywhere I go
angels will call on me and take me to my home
well these tired eyes just want to remain close
I don't see clearly cant feel nothing no
can't you hear me?
And I fall on my knees and danger will follow me now everywhere I go
angels will call on me and take me to my home
and danger will follow me now everywhere I walk
angels will call on me and take me to my home
and danger will follow me now everywhere I go
and angels will follow me now lead me to my home
tell me how's the way to go
tell me all that I should know
And I fall on my knees
tell me how's the way to go
tell me how's the way to be to evoke some empathy
danger will follow me now everywhere I go
angels will call on me and take me to my home
well this tired mind just wants to be lead home
And i fall on my knees tell me how's the way to go
tell me how's the way to see
show me all that i could be
and I fall on my knees tell me how's the way to be yeah
tell me how's the way to go
tell me why I feel so low
danger will follow me now everywhere I go
angels will call on me and take me to my home
well these tired eyes just want to remain close
I don't see clearly cant feel nothing no
can't you hear me?
And I fall on my knees and danger will follow me now everywhere I go
angels will call on me and take me to my home
and danger will follow me now everywhere I walk
angels will call on me and take me to my home
and danger will follow me now everywhere I go
and angels will follow me now lead me to my home
my walk-in interview for Standard Chartered was OK, not that great, the interviewer was so sweet to me.. hope i can see her again.. ehehehe.. if that~
im so FREAKING SLEEPY, and i think i'ma sleep early tonite.. and probably woke up arounds 2pm.. heeee~
oo oo, i still learning how to blog and whatnot.. pffff !!! NEWBIESS~
i miss my love so much.. hopefully this sunday is on.. amin~
im so FREAKING SLEEPY, and i think i'ma sleep early tonite.. and probably woke up arounds 2pm.. heeee~
oo oo, i still learning how to blog and whatnot.. pffff !!! NEWBIESS~
i miss my love so much.. hopefully this sunday is on.. amin~
im so freaking nervous due to the fact that i've decided to come for a walk-in interview at Standard Chartered Bank this afternoon with my cousins. just trying my luck. and hopefully i get it. don't wanna be Mr. I-Don't-Have-Anything-To-Do-Beside-Sleeping-And-Onlining for the next 2 months. please pick me, pick me !! AMIN !!
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